Nonlinear dynamics of an electrically actuated mems device: Experimental and theoretical investigation

Laura Ruzziconi, Abdallah H. Ramini, Mohammad I. Younis, Stefano Lenci

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This study deals with an experimental and theoretical investigation of an electrically actuated micro-electromechanical system (MEMS). The experimental nonlinear dynamics are explored via frequency sweeps in a neighborhood of the first symmetric natural frequency, at increasing values of electrodynamic excitation. Both the non-resonant branch, the resonant one, the jump between them, and the presence of a range of inevitable escape (dynamic pull-in) are observed. To simulate the experimental behavior, a single degree-offreedom spring mass model is derived, which is based on the information coming from the experimentation. Despite the apparent simplicity, the model is able to catch all the most relevant aspects of the device response. This occurs not only at low values of electrodynamic excitation, but also at higher ones. Nevertheless, the theoretical predictions are not completely fulfilled in some aspects. In particular, the range of existence of each attractor is smaller in practice than in the simulations. This is because, under realistic conditions, disturbances are inevitably encountered (e.g. discontinuous steps when performing the sweeping, approximations in the modeling, etc.) and give uncertainties to the operating initial conditions. A reliable prediction of the actual (and not only theoretical) response is essential in applications. To take disturbances into account, we develop a dynamical integrity analysis. Integrity profiles and integrity charts are performed. They are able to detect the parameter range where each branch can be reliably observed in practice and where, instead, becomes vulnerable. Moreover, depending on the magnitude of the expected disturbances, the integrity charts can serve as a design guideline, in order to effectively operate the device in safe condition, according to the desired outcome. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationVolume 4A: Dynamics, Vibration and Control
PublisherASME International
ISBN (Print)9780791856246
StatePublished - Apr 2 2014


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