Nonreciprocal charge transport up to room temperature in bulk Rashba semiconductor α-GeTe

Yan Li, Yang Li, Peng Li, Bin Fang, Xu Yang, Yan Wen, Dong-xing Zheng, Chenhui Zhang, Xin He, Aurelien Manchon, Zhao-Hua Cheng, Xixiang Zhang

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48 Scopus citations


AbstractNonmagnetic Rashba systems with broken inversion symmetry are expected to exhibit nonreciprocal charge transport, a new paradigm of unidirectional magnetoresistance in the absence of ferromagnetic layer. So far, most work on nonreciprocal transport has been solely limited to cryogenic temperatures, which is a major obstacle for exploiting the room-temperature two-terminal devices based on such a nonreciprocal response. Here, we report a nonreciprocal charge transport behavior up to room temperature in semiconductor α-GeTe with coexisting the surface and bulk Rashba states. The combination of the band structure measurements and theoretical calculations strongly suggest that the nonreciprocal response is ascribed to the giant bulk Rashba spin splitting rather than the surface Rashba states. Remarkably, we find that the magnitude of the nonreciprocal response shows an unexpected non-monotonical dependence on temperature. The extended theoretical model based on the second-order spin–orbit coupled magnetotransport enables us to establish the correlation between the nonlinear magnetoresistance and the spin textures in the Rashba system. Our findings offer significant fundamental insight into the physics underlying the nonreciprocity and may pave a route for future rectification devices.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 22 2021


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