One-pot synthesis of high-flux b-oriented MFI zeolite membranes for Xe recovery

Xuerui Wang, Pelin Karakilic, Xinlei Liu, Meixia Shan, Arian Nijmeijer, Louis Winnubst, Jorge Gascon, Freek Kapteijn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


We demonstrate that b-oriented MFI zeolite membranes can be manufactured by in-situ crystallization using an intermediate amorphous SiO2 layer. The improved in-plane growth by using a zeolite growth modifier leads to fusion of independent crystals and eliminates boundary gaps, giving good selectivity in the separation of CO2/Xe mixtures. The fast diffusion of CO2 dominates the overall membrane selectivity towards CO2/Xe mixture. Because of the straight and short [010] channels, the obtained CO2 permeation fluxes are several orders of magnitude higher than those of carbon molecular sieving membranes and polymeric membranes, opening opportunities for Xe recovery from waste anaesthetic gas.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)33574-33580
Number of pages7
JournalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Issue number39
StatePublished - Sep 11 2018


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