Predictive Current Control of Six-Phase IM-Based Nonisolated Integrated On-Board Battery Charger Under Different Winding Configurations

Abdelrahman Habib, Abdullah Shawier*, Mahmoud Said Abdel-Majeed, Ayman Samy Abdel-Khalik, Mostafa S. Hamad, Ragi A. Hamdy, Shehab Ahmed

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Integrated on-board battery charging (IOBC) constitutes one of the future trends and the potential state-of-the-art technologies proposed for high-power chargers of electric vehicles. Model predictive control has recently been favored in different applications due to its simplicity in defining new control objectives and the straightforward handling of nonlinear constraints. In this article, the predictive current control (PCC) is applied to a six-phase induction-machine-based IOBC with three different winding configurations. From the grid perspective, this article introduces the required winding connections that maximize the charging grid current. Under PCC, different stator phases are controlled to draw balanced three-phase grid currents through controlling the machine nontorque-producing xy current components while ensuring zero average/ripple torque production. This article also discusses the effect of winding configuration on the mapping of the 64 available voltage vectors to the αβ, xy, and 0+ 0- subspaces. The optimal subset voltage vectors of each configuration that achieve the highest possible dc-link utilization, zero torque production, minimum total harmonic distortion (THD), and unity power factor are then introduced. The feasibility to employ the concept of virtual voltage vectors to improve the current quality is also investigated. The three six-phase configurations are obtained from an externally reconfigured 1 kW 12-phase induction motor, which has been used to experimentally validate the theoretical findings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)8345-8358
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1 2022


  • Asymmetrical six-phase (A6P)
  • Dual three-phase (D3P)
  • Integrated on-board battery chargers
  • Predictive current control (PCC)
  • Six-phase
  • Symmetrical six-phase (S6P)
  • Virtual vectors

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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