Pressure sensitivity of HCCI auto-ignition temperature for gasoline surrogate fuels

Ida Truedsson*, Martin Tuner, Bengt Johansson, William Cannella

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


An index to relate fuel properties to HCCI auto-ignition would be valuable to predict the performance of fuels in HCCI engines from their properties and composition. The indices for SI engines, the Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON) are known to be insufficient to explain the behavior of oxygenated fuels in an HCCI engine. One way to characterize a fuel is to use the Auto-Ignition Temperature (AIT). The AIT can be extracted from the pressure trace. Another potentially interesting parameter is the amount of Low Temperature Heat Release (LTHR) that is closely connected to the ignition properties of the fuel. A systematic study of fuels consisting of gasoline surrogate components of n-heptane, iso-octane, toluene, and ethanol was made. 21 fuels were prepared with RON values ranging from 67 to 97. Five different inlet air temperatures ranging from 50°C to 150°C were used to achieve different cylinder pressures and the compression ratio was changed accordingly to keep a constant combustion phasing, CA50, of 3±1° after TDC. The experiments were carried out in lean operation with a constant equivalence ratio of 0.33 and with a constant engine speed of 600 rpm. The effect of ethanol and toluene on the LTHR was evaluated. The conclusion was that ethanol had a quenching effect, which is consistent with other studies. Toluene was found only to have a quenching effect at the lowest inlet air temperature. The AIT and the amount of LTHR for different combinations of n-heptane, iso-octane, ethanol and toluene were charted.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalSAE Technical Papers
StatePublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
EventSAE 2013 World Congress and Exhibition - Detroit, MI, United States
Duration: Apr 16 2013Apr 18 2013

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
  • Pollution
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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