Relating the rate of growth of metal nanoparticles to cluster size distribution in electroless deposition

M. Iatalese, M. L. Coluccio, V. Onesto, F. Amato, Enzo M. Di Fabrizio, F. Gentile

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Electroless deposition on patterned silicon substrates enables the formation of metal nanomaterials with tight control over their size and shape. In the technique, metal ions are transported by diffusion from a solution to the active sites of an autocatalytic substrate where they are reduced as metals upon contact. Here, using diffusion limited aggregation models and numerical simulations, we derived relationships that correlate the cluster size distribution to the total mass of deposited particles. We found that the ratio ξ between the rates of growth of two different metals Image ID:c8na00040a-t1.gif depends on the ratio γ between the rates of growth of clusters formed by those metals Image ID:c8na00040a-t2.gif through the linearity law ξ = 14(γ − 1). We then validated the model using experiments. Different from other methods, the model derives k using as input the geometry of metal nanoparticle clusters, decoded by SEM or AFM images of samples, and a known reference.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)228-240
Number of pages13
JournalNanoscale Advances
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019


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