Selective on site separation and detection of molecules in diluted solutions with super-hydrophobic clusters of plasmonic nanoparticles

Francesco T. Gentile, Maria Laura Coluccio, Remo Proietti Zaccaria, Marco Francardi, Gheorghe Cojoc, Gerardo Perozziello, Raffaella Raimondo, Patrizio Candeloro, Enzo M. Di Fabrizio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Scopus citations


Super-hydrophobic surfaces are bio-inspired interfaces with a superficial texture that, in its most common evolution, is formed by a periodic lattice of silicon micro-pillars. Similar surfaces reveal superior properties compared to conventional flat surfaces, including very low friction coefficients. In this work, we modified meso-porous silicon micro-pillars to incorporate networks of metal nano-particles into the porous matrix. In doing so, we obtained a multifunctional-hierarchical system in which (i) at a larger micrometric scale, the super-hydrophobic pillars bring the molecules dissolved in an ultralow-concentration droplet to the active sites of the device, (ii) at an intermediate meso-scale, the meso-porous silicon film adsorbs the low molecular weight content of the solution and, (iii) at a smaller nanometric scale, the aggregates of silver nano-particles would measure the target molecules with unprecedented sensitivity. In the results, we demonstrated how this scheme can be utilized to isolate and detect small molecules in a diluted solution in very low abundance ranges. The presented platform, coupled to Raman or other spectroscopy techniques, is a realistic candidate for the protein expression profiling of biological fluids. © 2014 the Partner Organisations.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)8208-8225
Number of pages18
Issue number14
StatePublished - 2014

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science


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