Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum chromosomes 1, 3-9 and 13

N. Hall, A. Pain, M. Berriman, C. Churcher, B. Harris, D. Harris, K. Mungall, S. Bowman, R. Atkin, S. Baker, A. Barron, K. Brooks, C. O. Buckee, C. Burrows, I. Cherevach, C. Chillingworth, T. Chillingworth, Z. Christodoulou, L. Clark, R. ClarkC. Corton, A. Cronin, R. Davies, P. Davis, P. Dear, F. Dearden, J. Doggett, T. Feltwell, A. Goble, J. Goodhead, R. Gwilliam, N. Hamlin, Z. Hance, D. Harper, H. Hauser, T. Hornsby, S. Holroyd, P. Horrocks, S. Humphray, K. Jagels, K. D. James, D. Johnson, A. Kerhornou, A. Knights, B. Konfortov, S. Kyes, N. Larke, D. Lawson, N. Lennard, A. Line, M. Maddison, J. McLean, P. Mooney, S. Moule, L. Murphy, K. Oliver, D. Ormond, C. Price, M. A. Quail, E. Rabbinowitsch, M. A. Rajandream, S. Rutter, K. M. Rutherford, M. Sanders, M. Simmonds, K. Seeger, S. Sharp, R. Smith, R. Squares, S. Squares, K. Stevens, K. Taylor, A. Tivey, L. Unwin, S. Whitehead, J. Woodward, J. E. Sulston, A. Craig, C. Newbold, B. G. Barrell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

147 Scopus citations


Since the sequencing of the first two chromosomes of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, there has been a concerted effort to sequence and assemble the entire genome of this organism. Here we report the sequence of chromosomes 1, 3-9 and 13 of P. falciparum clone 3D7 - these chromosomes account for approximately 55% of the total genome. We describe the methods used to map, sequence and annotate these chromosomes. By comparing our assemblies with the optical map, we indicate the completeness of the resulting sequence. During annotation, we assign Gene Ontology terms to the predicted gene products, and observe clustering of some malaria-specific terms to specific chromosomes. We identify a highly conserved sequence element found in the intergenic region of internal var genes that is not associated with their telomeric counterparts.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)527-531
Number of pages5
Issue number6906
StatePublished - Oct 3 2002
Externally publishedYes

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