Silicon hydride nanocrystals as catalysts for proton production in water-organic liquid mixtures

Sahraoui Chaieb (Inventor), Christopher Holt (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Embodiments of the present methods may be used to produce energy in the form of an electrical current from water without the use of fossil fuel. Silicon hydride is very easy to make. This procedure in conjunction with an enzyme to produce hydrogen gas for fuel cells and other small devices. In fuel cells the production of protons may be bypassed, and an oxidant such as permanganate or oxygen from air may be used to drive the fuel cells. In such an embodiment, an intermediate reaction may not be needed to produce protons. In one embodiment, membrane-less laminar flow fuel cells with an external grid for oxygen supply from the air may be used.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS 8795906 B2
StatePublished - Aug 5 2014


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