Stackable Module for Energy-Efficient Computing Systems

B Carter John (Inventor), R El-Essawy Wael (Inventor), N Elnozahy Elmootazbellah (Inventor), M Felter Wesley (Inventor), K Iyengar Madhusudan (Inventor), W Keller, Jr. Thomas (Inventor), Karthick Rajamani (Inventor), C Rubio Juan (Inventor), E Speight William (Inventor), Lixin Zhang (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A modular processing module is provided. The modular processing module comprises a set of processing module sides. Each processing module side comprises a circuit board, a plurality of connectors coupled to the circuit board, and a plurality of processing nodes coupled to the circuit board. Each processing module side in the set of processing module sides couples to another processing module side using at least one connector in the plurality of connectors such that, when all of the set of processing module sides are coupled together, the modular processing module is formed. The modular processing module comprises an exterior connection to a power source and a communication system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS2011292597
IPCG06F 13/ 00 A I
Priority date05/28/10
StatePublished - Dec 1 2011
Externally publishedYes


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