Studies on Structural and Morphological Properties of Multidoped Ceria Ce 0.8 Nd 0.0025 Sm 0.0025 Gd 0.005 Dy 0.095 Y 0.095 O 2 - δ ( x = 0.2 ) as Solid Solutions

Marija Stojmenović, Maja C. Pagnacco, Vladimir Dodevski, Jelena Gulicovski, Milan Zunic, Snežana Bošković

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7 Scopus citations


The nanopowdery solid solutions of multidoped ceria Ce0.8Nd0.0025Sm0.0025Gd0.005Dy0.095Y0.095 () with the fluorite type crystal structure of CeO2 were synthesized for the first time. Two synthesis procedures were applied: the modified glycine-nitrate procedure (MGNP method) and room temperature self-propagating reaction (SPRT method). All nanopowders were characterized by XRPD analysis, Raman spectroscopy, low temperature nitrogen physisorption, TEM, and SEM methods. According to the XRPD and Raman spectroscopy results, single phase solid solutions of fluorite structure were evidenced regardless of the number of dopants and synthesis procedure. Both XRPD and TEM were analyses evidenced nanometer particle dimensions. The SPRT method results in obtaining sample with higher specific surface area, smaller crystallite and particles sizes, and the same values of the lattice parameter in comparison to pure CeO2. Raman spectroscopy was confirmed to the oxygen vacancies introduced into the ceria lattice when Ce4+ ions were replaced with cations (dopants) of lower valence state (3+), which may indicate the potential improvement of ionic conductivity. Additionally, the presence of oxygen vacancies in the lattice ceria, as well as very developed grain boundaries, gives a new possibility for potential application of obtained nanopowders in the area of room temperature ferromagnetism as spintronics.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Spectroscopy
StatePublished - May 10 2016


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