Superconductivity in BaTi 2Sb 2O with a d 1 square lattice

Takeshi Yajima, Kousuke Nakano, Fumitaka Takeiri, Toshio Ono, Yuko Hosokoshi, Yoshitaka Matsushita, James Hester, Yoji Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kageyama

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89 Scopus citations


We prepared a new two-dimensional oxyantimonide, BaTi 2Sb 2O, which shows a superconducting transition at 1.2 K, representing the first superconductivity in a system with Ti 3+ (d 1) in a square lattice. The TiO2Sb4 mixed anionic coordination stabilizes a unique half-filled Ti d xy orbital configuration in Ti 2O plane, which is analogous to Cu 2+ (d 9) in the high-T c superconductors. A charge density wave (CDW)- or spin density wave (SDW)-like anomaly appears at 50 K, which is significantly reduced compared with 200K for the isostructural and non-superconducting BaTi 2As 2O. © 2012 The Physical Society of Japan.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of the Physical Society of Japan
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 1 2012
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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