Superhydrophobic lab-on-chip measures secretome protonation state and provides a personalized risk assessment of sporadic tumour

N. Malara, F. Gentile, N. Coppedè, M. L. Coluccio, P. Candeloro, G. Perozziello, L. Ferrara, M. Giannetto, M. Careri, A. Castellini, C. Mignogna, I. Presta, C. K. Pirrone, D. Maisano, A. Donato, G. Donato, M. Greco, D. Scumaci, Giovanni Cuda, F. CasaleE. Ferraro, S. Bonacci, V. Trunzo, V. Mollace, V. Onesto, R. Majewska, F. Amato, M. Renne, N. Innaro, G. Sena, R. Sacco, F. Givigliano, C. Voci, G. Volpentesta, G. Guzzi, A. Lavano, E. Scali, U. Bottoni, Enzo M. Di Fabrizio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Secretome of primary cultures is an accessible source of biological markers compared to more complex and less decipherable mixtures such as serum or plasma. The protonation state (PS) of secretome reflects the metabolism of cells and can be used for cancer early detection. Here, we demonstrate a superhydrophobic organic electrochemical device that measures PS in a drop of secretome derived from liquid biopsies. Using data from the sensor and principal component analysis (PCA), we developed algorithms able to efficiently discriminate tumour patients from non-tumour patients. We then validated the results using mass spectrometry and biochemical analysis of samples. For the 36 patients across three independent cohorts, the method identified tumour patients with high sensitivity and identification as high as 100% (no false positives) with declared subjects at-risk, for sporadic cancer onset, by intermediate values of PS. This assay could impact on cancer risk management, individual's diagnosis and/or help clarify risk in healthy populations.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Journalnpj Precision Oncology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Nov 19 2018


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