Terahertz polarization converter based on all-dielectric high birefringence metamaterial with elliptical air holes

Jianchen Zi, Quan Xu, Qiu Wang, Chunxiu Tian, Yanfeng Li, Xixiang Zhang, Jiaguang Han, Weili Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Metamaterials have been widely applied in the polarization conversion of terahertz (THz) waves. However, common plasmonic metamaterials usually work as reflective devices and have low transmissions. All-dielectric metamaterials can overcome these shortcomings. An all-dielectric metamaterial based on silicon with elliptical air holes is reported to achieve high artificial birefringence at THz frequencies. Simulations show that with appropriate structural parameters the birefringence of the dielectric metamaterial can remain flat and is above 0.7 within a broad band. Moreover, the metamaterial can be designed as a broadband quarter wave plate. A sample metamaterial was fabricated and tested to prove the validity of the simulations, and the sample could work as a quarter wave plate at 1.76 THz. The all-dielectric metamaterial that we proposed is of great significance for high performance THz polarization converters.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)130-136
Number of pages7
JournalOptics Communications
StatePublished - Feb 15 2018


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