The Arabidopsis SWI/SNF protein BAF60 mediates seedling growth control by modulating DNA accessibility

Teddy Jégu, Alaguraj Veluchamy, Juan Sebastian Ramirez Prado, Charley Rizzi-Paillet, Magalie Perez, Anaïs Lhomme, David Latrasse, Emeline Coleno, Serge Vicaire, Stéphanie Legras, Bernard Jost, Martin Rougée, Fredy Barneche, Catherine Bergounioux, Martin Crespi, Magdy M. Mahfouz, Heribert Hirt, Cécile Raynaud, Moussa Benhamed

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

53 Scopus citations


Plant adaptive responses to changing environments involve complex molecular interplays between intrinsic and external signals. Whilst much is known on the signaling components mediating diurnal, light, and temperature controls on plant development, their influence on chromatin-based transcriptional controls remains poorly explored.In this study we show that a SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler subunit, BAF60, represses seedling growth by modulating DNA accessibility of hypocotyl cell size regulatory genes. BAF60 binds nucleosome-free regions of multiple G box-containing genes, opposing in cis the promoting effect of the photomorphogenic and thermomorphogenic regulator Phytochrome Interacting Factor 4 (PIF4) on hypocotyl elongation. Furthermore, BAF60 expression level is regulated in response to light and daily rhythms.These results unveil a short path between a chromatin remodeler and a signaling component to fine-tune plant morphogenesis in response to environmental conditions.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalGenome biology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 15 2017


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  • The Arabidopsis SWI/SNF protein BAF60 mediates seedling growth control by modulating DNA accessibility

    Jégu, T. (Creator), Veluchamy, A. (Creator), Ramirez Prado, J. S. (Creator), Rizzi-Paillet, C. (Creator), Perez, M. (Creator), Lhomme, A. (Creator), Latrasse, D. (Creator), Coleno, E. (Creator), Vicaire, S. (Creator), Legras, S. (Creator), Jost, B. (Creator), Rougée, M. (Creator), Barneche, F. (Creator), Bergounioux, C. (Creator), Crespi, M. (Creator), Mahfouz, M. M. (Creator), Hirt, H. (Creator), Raynaud, C. (Creator), Benhamed, M. (Creator), Jégu, T. (Creator), Rizzi-Paillet, C. (Creator), Perez, M. (Creator), Lhomme, A. (Creator), Latrasse, D. (Creator), Coleno, E. (Creator), Vicaire, S. (Creator), Legras, S. (Creator), Jost, B. (Creator), Rougée, M. (Creator), Barneche, F. (Creator), Bergounioux, C. (Creator), Crespi, M. (Creator) & Raynaud, C. (Creator), figshare, 2017


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