Transmission and fluorescence X-ray absorption spectroscopy cell/flow reactor for powder samples under vacuum or in reactive atmospheres

A. S. Hoffman, L. M. Debefve, Anissa Bendjeriou-Sedjerari, Samy Ould-Chikh, Simon R. Bare, Jean-Marie Basset, B. C. Gates

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


X-ray absorption spectroscopy is an element-specific technique for probing the local atomic-scale environment around an absorber atom. It is widely used to investigate the structures of liquids and solids, being especially valuable for characterization of solid-supported catalysts. Reported cell designs are limited in capabilities—to fluorescence or transmission and to static or flowing atmospheres, or to vacuum. Our goal was to design a robust and widely applicable cell for catalyst characterizations under all these conditions—to allow tracking of changes during genesis and during operation, both under vacuum and in reactive atmospheres. Herein, we report the design of such a cell and a demonstration of its operation both with a sample under dynamic vacuum and in the presence of gases flowing at temperatures up to 300 °C, showing data obtained with both fluorescence and transmission detection. The cell allows more flexibility in catalyst characterization than any reported.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)073108
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 26 2016


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