Trimodal Porous Hierarchical SSZ-13 Zeolite with Improved Catalytic Performance in the Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction

Xiaochun Zhu, Jan P. Hofmann, Brahim Mezari, Nikolay Kosinov, Leilei Wu, Qingyun Qian, Bert M. Weckhuysen, Shunsuke Asahina, Javier Ruiz-Martínez, Emiel J.M. Hensen

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125 Scopus citations


Chabazite zeolites with trimodal porosity (native micropores of the CHA framework, an additional network of larger micropores of ∼0.5 nm, and mesopores) were synthesized by adding diquarternary ammonium-type surfactant C22-4-4 cations and fluoride anions in the synthesis of SSZ-13 zeolite. The hierarchical SSZ-13 zeolites are fully crystalline and exhibit similar acidity as bulk SSZ-13 zeolite. The increased diffusion rate in the hierarchical SSZ-13, proven by uptake experiments of bulky molecules and selective staining by thiophene oligomers, resulted in much slower catalyst deactivation in the methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction. Confocal fluorescent images of spent hierarchical SSZ-13 zeolites reveal homogeneous distribution of carbonaceous deposits, indicating that the micropore space has been completely utilized during the MTO reaction. (Graph Presented).
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalACS Catalysis
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1 2016
Externally publishedYes


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