Uniform High-k Amorphous Native Oxide Synthesized by Oxygen Plasma for Top-Gated Transistors.

Teng Tu, Yichi Zhang, Tianran Li, Jia Yu, L. M. Liu, Jinxiong Wu, Congwei Tan, Jilin Tang, Yan Liang, Congcong Zhang, Yumin Dai, Yu Han, Keji Lai, Hailin Peng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Scopus citations


The integration of high-k gate dielectrics with two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting channel materials is essential for high-performance and low-power electronics. However, the conformal deposition of a uniform high-k dielectric with sub-1 nm equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) and high interface quality on high-mobility 2D semiconductors is still challenging. Here, we report a facile approach to synthesize a uniform high-k (εr ∼ 22) amorphous native oxide Bi2SeOx on the high-mobility 2D semiconducting Bi2O2Se using O2 plasma at room temperature. The conformal native oxide can directly serve as gate dielectrics with EOT of ∼0.9 nm, while the original properties of underlying 2D Bi2O2Se is preserved. Furthermore, high-resolution area-selective oxidation of Bi2O2Se is achieved to fabricate discrete electronic components. This facile integration of a high-mobility 2D semiconductor and its high-k native oxide holds high promise for next-generation nanoelectronics.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)7469-7475
Number of pages7
JournalNano Letters
Issue number10
StatePublished - Sep 4 2020


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