Video Analysis Based on Sparse Registration and Multiple Domain Tracking

Bernard Ghanem (Inventor), Shaunak Ahuja (Inventor), Tianzhu Zhang (Inventor), Indriyati Atmosukarto (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A video of a scene includes multiple frames, each of which is registered using sparse registration to spatially align the frame to a reference image of the video. Based on the registered multiple frames as well as both an image domain and a field domain, one or more objects in the video are tracked using particle filtering. Object trajectories for the one or more objects in the video are also generated based on the tracking, and can optionally be used in various manners.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS2013335635
IPCH04N 5/ 14 A I
Priority date03/14/13
StatePublished - Dec 19 2013


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