Worldwide outdoor round robin study of organic photovoltaic devices and modules

Morten V. Madsen*, Suren A. Gevorgyan, R. Pacios, J. Ajuria, I. Etxebarria, Jeff Kettle, Noel D. Bristow, Marios Neophytou, Stelios A. Choulis, Lucimara Stolz Roman, Teketel Yohannes, Andrea Cester, Pei Cheng, Xiaowei Zhan, Jiang Wu, Zhiyuan Xie, Wei Chen Tu, Jr Hau He, Christopher J. Fell, Kenrick AndersonMartin Hermenau, Davide Bartesaghi, L. Jan Anton Koster, Florian Machui, Irene González-Valls, Monica Lira-Cantu, Petr P. Khlyabich, Barry C. Thompson, Ritu Gupta, Kiruthika Shanmugam, Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Yulia Galagan, Antonio Urbina, Jose Abad, Roland Roesch, Harald Hoppe, P. Morvillo, E. Bobeico, Eugen Panaitescu, Latika Menon, Qun Luo, Zhenwu Wu, Changqi Ma, Artak Hambarian, Varuzhan Melikyan, M. Hambsch, Paul L. Burn, Paul Meredith, Thomas Rath, Sebastian Dunst, Gregor Trimmel, Giorgio Bardizza, Harald Müllejans, A. E. Goryachev, Ravi K. Misra, Eugene A. Katz, Katsuhiko Takagi, Shinichi Magaino, Hidenori Saito, Daisuke Aoki, Paul M. Sommeling, Jan M. Kroon, Tim Vangerven, Jean Manca, Jurgen Kesters, Wouter Maes, Olga D. Bobkova, Vasily A. Trukhanov, Dmitry Yu Paraschuk, Fernando A. Castro, James Blakesley, Sachetan M. Tuladhar, Jason Alexander Röhr, Jenny Nelson, Jiangbin Xia, Elif Alturk Parlak, Tülay Asli Tumay, Hans Joachim Egelhaaf, David M. Tanenbaum, Gretta Mae Ferguson, Robert Carpenter, Hongzheng Chen, Birger Zimmermann, Lionel Hirsch, Guillaume Wantz, Ziqi Sun, Pradeep Singh, Chaitnya Bapat, Ton Offermans, Frederik C. Krebs

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Accurate characterization and reporting of organic photovoltaic (OPV) device performance remains one of the important challenges in the field. The large spread among the efficiencies of devices with the same structure reported by different groups is significantly caused by different procedures and equipment used during testing. The presented article addresses this issue by offering a new method of device testing using "suitcase sample" approach combined with outdoor testing that limits the diversity of the equipment, and a strict measurement protocol. A round robin outdoor characterization of roll-to-roll coated OPV cells and modules conducted among 46 laboratories worldwide is presented, where the samples and the testing equipment were integrated in a compact suitcase that served both as a sample transportation tool and as a holder and test equipment during testing. In addition, an internet based coordination was used via that allowed fast and efficient communication among participants and provided a controlled reporting format for the results that eased the analysis of the data. The reported deviations among the laboratories were limited to 5% when compared to the Si reference device integrated in the suitcase and were up to 8% when calculated using the local irradiance data. Therefore, this method offers a fast, cheap and efficient tool for sample sharing and testing that allows conducting outdoor measurements of OPV devices in a reproducible manner.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)281-290
Number of pages10
JournalSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
StatePublished - Nov 2014


  • Efficiency reporting
  • Interlaboratory study
  • OPV
  • Organic photovoltaic
  • Round robin
  • Worldwide coverage

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films


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