Zinc tin oxide as high-temperature stable recombination layer for mesoscopic perovskite/silicon monolithic tandem solar cells

Jérémie Werner, Arnaud Walter, Esteban Rucavado, Soo Jin Moon, Davide Sacchetto, Michael Rienaecker, Robby Peibst, Rolf Brendel, Xavier Niquille, Stefaan De Wolf, Philipp Löper, Monica Morales-Masis, Sylvain Nicolay, Bjoern Niesen, Christophe Ballif

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

114 Scopus citations


Perovskite/crystalline silicon tandem solar cells have the potential to reach efficiencies beyond those of silicon single-junction record devices. However, the high-temperature process of 500 °C needed for state-of-the-art mesoscopic perovskite cells has, so far, been limiting their implementation in monolithic tandem devices. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of zinc tin oxide as a recombination layer and show its electrical and optical stability at temperatures up to 500 °C. To prove the concept, we fabricate monolithic tandem cells with mesoscopic top cell with up to 16% efficiency. We then investigate the effect of zinc tin oxide layer thickness variation, showing a strong influence on the optical interference pattern within the tandem device. Finally, we discuss the perspective of mesoscopic perovskite cells for high-efficiency monolithic tandem solar cells. © 2016 Author(s)
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)233902
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number23
StatePublished - Dec 5 2016


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