Chemical Diversity and Machine Learning in Organic Solvent Nanofiltration

  • Gergo Ignacz

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The aim of the dissertation to study small organic solute rejection in organic solvent nanofiltration using cheminformatics and machine learning. Chemically diverse datasets were curated using a novel medium high-throughput methodology and literature data extraction. These datasets contained thousands of datapoints of small organic solute rejections and process parameters. Different chemical fingerprinting has been used for feature generation, such as molecular descriptors, Morgan fingerprints, and latent-vector representation. These features were used to train different machine learning models, such as graph neural networks, partial least squares regression, and boosting tree algorithms. The obtained models were used to predict small organic solute rejection for nanofiltration related applications. Correlation between rejection and the molecular descriptors have been studied to deepen the understanding of transport and rejection through polymeric membranes. Explainable artificial intelligence concept was used to study the effect of solute, solvent and membrane structure on solute rejection. The conclusion of the dissertation highlights the importance of the chemical structure effect in nanofiltration and provides a future perspective on data-driven approached for nanofiltration and organic solvent nanofiltration.
Date of AwardApr 5 2023
Original languageEnglish (US)
Awarding Institution
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
SupervisorGyorgy Szekely (Supervisor)


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big data
  • cheminformatics
  • nanofiltration
  • membrane technology
  • organic solvent nanofiltration
  • deep learning
  • machine learning

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