Optimisation of Lagrangian Flash Flood Microsensors Dropped by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  • Mohammed Abdulaal

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Abstract Physical Sciences and Engineering Division Mechanical Engineering Department Master of Science Optimisation of Lagrangian Flash Flood Microsensors Dropped by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Mohammed Abdulaal Floods are the most common natural disasters, causing thousands of casualties every year in the world. In particular, ash ood events are particularly deadly because of the short timescales on which they occur. Classical sensing solutions such as xed wireless sensor networks or satellite imagery are either too expensive or too inaccurate. Nevertheless, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles equipped with mobile microsensors could be capable of sensing ash oods in real time for a low overall cost, saving lives and greatly improving the e ciency of the emergency response. Using ood simulation data, we show that this system could be used to detect ash oods. We also present an ongoing implementation of this system using 3D printed sensors and sensor delivery systems on a UAV testbed as well as some preliminary results.
Date of AwardMay 2014
Original languageEnglish (US)
Awarding Institution
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
SupervisorChristian Claudel (Supervisor)


  • OVA
  • Micro Sensor
  • Flood
  • Loglangian

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